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The tea manufacture is open every thursday form 12pm to 6pm or by appointment

About Tea

Black Tea: Once harvested, the leaves are gently laid out to wither. Then they are rolled, to soften the cell structure. This enables enzymes in the leaves to oxidate. This process unfolds in an airtight room with controlled heat and humidity. Finally, the tea leaves are rolled by hand and then set out to dry.

The tastes range from strong, full bodied to sweet, fruity, floral.

Boiling temperature: 100 Degrees

Steeping time: 3-5 minutes.


Green Tea: The leaves are briefly laid out in the shadow to wither. Then they are heated up, either pan roasted (in China) or steamed (in Japan), in order to prevent natural oxidation. Finally, the leaves are rolled into shapes by hand and dried.

The flavours range from grass, seaweed, umami (Japan) to sweet, floral (Japan).

Boiling temperature: 70-80 Degrees

Steeping time: 1-3 minutes


White Tea: Once harvested, the leaves are gently laid out in the sun. Then they are laid out in the shadow up to two days to wither. Finally, the leaves are passed through hot air dryers.

White tea has a delicate and mellow flavour and contains no bitter tasting-compounds.

Boiling temperature: 90 Degrees

Steeping time: 4 minutes


Oolong Tea: The leaves are gently laid out in the sun to wither. The softened leaves regain their natural freshness through air humidity. For bruising, the withered tea leaves are shaken in bamboo baskets. Bruising the leaves, softens the edges and starts the oxidation process. Depending on how many times the shaking process is repeated, the leaves oxidate lightly (green oolong) or highly (brown oolong). In order to halt the oxidation process, the bruised leaves are either pan roasted or steamed. This process is called fixation. Finally, the leaves are shaped by hand and dried.

The variety of flavour is endless, ranging form fruity, floral, sweet to full bodied, toasty, spicy.

Boiling temperature: 80-100 Degrees

Steeping time: 3-5 minutes

Fruit Tea: Mostly mixtures with pieces of dried fruit, leaves, blossoms and roots. Once harvested, the ingredients usually are freeze-dried. Fruit teas can be enjoyed both hot or iced. As they do not contain any caffeine, young and old alike can enjoy them. When mixed with fruit juice, pieces of fresh fruit, herbs and sweetened with honey or syrup, fruit teas are refreshing on summer days.

The variety of flavour ranges from fruity, sweet, to sour, spicy.

Boiling temperature: 100 Degrees

Steeping time: 8-12 minutes

Iced Tea: 20-30 g of tea for 1 liter cold water, let steep for at least 30 minutes. Alternatively, brew 20 g of tea in 1 liter boiling water and let steep for 8-12 minutes and add 1 liter cold water.


Redbush Tea: Redbush is grown exclusively in the South African province Western Cape. Harvested by machine, the twigs are finely chopped and bruised. This enables the oxidizing process which enhances its distinctive flavour. Further, the small twigs are watered and then laid out in the sun. Finally, the leaves are piled in heaps, allowing them to ferment, and again laid out in the sun to dry. The deep mahogany colour of the tea comes form the fermentation process.

The flavour is sweet and fruity. Redbush Tea does not contain any caffeine.

Boiling temperature: 100 Degrees

Steeping time: 5-8 minutes


Herbal Tea: Mostly mixtures with fresh or dried leaves, blossoms, seeds, roots and pieces of fruit. Also single herb teas such as peppermint, balm or camomile include the range of herbal teas. They do not contain any caffeine.

There are a variety of flavours, as the essential oils of a plant determine the flavour. They range from full bodied, spicy, bitter to sweet, floral.

Boiling temperature: 100 Degrees

Steeping time: 8-10 minutes